About Us

Mike Ries

Sr. Consultant

I have been delivering high-quality, on-time commercial software products to market since 1990 with Sun Microsystems, ChannelPoint (a health insurance automation startup), Configuresoft (now part of EMC) and CA Technologies. Throughout this time I have focused on whatever is necessary to make my teams more effective. Above all, I have been interested in optimizing the processes used to coordinate and guide software teams. Because of that interest, I started looking at Agile approaches to software development about 18 years ago. I have been coaching teams on Scrum and Kanban for the past 12 years and, more recently, added SAFe for the organizations that need a more complete portfolio process. Earlier in my career I did that coaching alongside my roles as Development Manager, Program Manager, Scrum Master and Product Owner. I am now focusing entirely on the coaching role, as I derive the greatest job satisfaction from enabling your success.

When I am not helping to optimize development teams I enjoy racing cars, teaching high-performance driving, teaching vinyasa yoga, and drinking wine.

Apex Agile, Denver, CO 80222, (719) 357-9861
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